Friday, April 3, 2009

Sarkar Ki Duniya Game Rule

The format of the show is based on tasks, Every Week the contestant will elect a Dal Nayak ( Group Leader ) ,then the contestants will need to complete the task given to them in return they will earn Ginniis ( gold coins ) , the Bottom three earners of the week will get into "Sankat Mandal" ( Elimination zone ), out of the three contestants one will get eliminated each week. The elimination will be done by the fellow contestants. The Dal Nayak ( Group leader) will remain immune to elimination all throughout the week.The last contestant at the end of the show will get the Cash Bounty One Crore ( INR ).

The show at this point does not seem to involve viewer voting , but we can't rule out it completely as there are always some twist and turns in reality shows.Finally looking at the Sarkaar ki duniya contestant list there are 8 Girls Models, students,Ex army chicks, Aspiring Actress

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